HPV is a very dangerous virus that can contribute, among other things, to the development of cervical cancer. Three high school students from Warsaw - as part of the first practical Olympiad “Released from Theory” - started the action “Don't give yourself HPV”. Where did this idea come from? Why is knowledge about HPV so important? The initiators of the action and Prof. Marzena Dębska, a specialist in gynecology and obstetrics, told about this in Dzień Dobry TVN.
Purpose of the action “Do not give yourself HPV” is not only to increase knowledge about this dangerous virus, but also to encourage vaccinationdrugs that provide very effective protection against the pathogen.
- During the first meetings, when we created the project, [...] we did not know what topic we wanted. We knew we wanted some peri-medical or medical because we tied our future to it. We thought we wanted some kind of cancer prevention and we found that HPV would be a good idea, because at least among young people, it seems to me that this topic is not raised quite often - explained in Dzień Dobry TVN Bartosz Jeschke, a high school student, initiator of the action “Don't give yourself HPV”. They focus their activities primarily on young people.
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