Anna Kaczynska
A long-time employee of the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department of the Bielanski Hospital, currently associated with the Novum infertility therapy center, where she cares for couples seeking pregnancy. Specialist in cervical pathology, she is certified by the European Federation of Colposcopy (EFC) ultrasound Fetal Medicine Foundation certificate.
Member of numerous European scientific societies such as: ESHRE, COGI and ISGE. Her work focuses on patients undergoing IVF with polycystic ovary syndrome, premature ovarian hypofunction and endometriosis.
Lecturer in specialist courses for doctors. It has a European certificate for performing colposcopic examinations.
She is engaged in the conduct of pregnancy, diagnosis and therapy of gynecological disorders, diagnosis and therapy of cervical pathologies and infertility. Performs colposcopic examinations.
He spends his free time developing his passion, which is sailing.