Ph.D. med.
Jakub Rzepka
He deals with diagnostics and comprehensive surgical treatment of women. It offers a wide range of gynecological surgery, including surgery for deep, infiltrative endometriosis and oncological procedures. The procedures are carried out using modern, minimally invasive endoscopic methods. Conducts research and therapy in the field of ovarian regeneration.
He gained experience working, among others, at the II Clinic of Obstetrics and Gynecology CMKP in Warsaw and at the Clinic of Oncological Gynecology NIO-PIB in Warsaw. He completed postgraduate studies in Advanced Clinical Oncology and obtained the Master of Science in Advanced Clinical Oncology from the Medical University of Ulm. He received his doctorate from the University of Heidelberg. He has completed numerous courses and trainings both domestic and foreign in the field of gynecology, oncological gynecology and surgical techniques. Performs cervical conization (LEEP) procedures under local anesthesia.