Martha Burbul
Specialist in orthopedics and traumatology of the musculoskeletal system.
A graduate of the Medical University of Warsaw. She received her specialization in the field of orthopedics at the District Hospital in Wołomin.
He currently collaborates with the Military Medical Institute, where he runs a preluxation clinic, where he diagnoses and treats hip dysplasia in children.
The Doctor also deals with:
- postural defects and other diseases of the skeletal system of childhood
- treatment of knee, shoulder, hip pain
- fractures
- tennis elbow
- Osteoarthritis
- carpal tunnel syndrome
- heel spur
- treatment of injuries
He performs procedures under ultrasound control - including injections and flushing of the shoulder joint /so-called barbotage/. Performs around- and intra-articular injections and blockades.